Cultivating History

Scientific Name: Rubus cuneifolius

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Common name: Blackberry

Description: Woody plant with erect to arching stems, to 5 feet tall; thorns broadbased, flat and curved; flowers late April-early June; berry black when ripe June-July.

Range and Habitat: Woody plant with erect to arching stems, to 5 feet tall; thorns broadbased, flat and curved; flowers late April-early June; berry black when ripe June-July.

In Porcher’s time… Blackberry root was used to cure dysentery. It was also commonly used to make blackberry wine, cordials, and other spirits.

See the historical entry on this plant as it appears in Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests

See the contemporary entry on this plant as it appears in the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database