Many people provided support for the development of this online exhibit. For their help with technical, promotional, financial, moral, and creative support we would particularly like to thank:
- Raymond S. Greenberg, President, MUSC
- Wade Gatlin, Project Manager, MUSC
- William T. Eubanks, Creative Director, SWA+ Urban Edge Studio
- Robert Kruger, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Ferris St. University
- H. Biemann Othersen Jr., Professor, Department of Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina.
Thanks to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database for permission to link to the entries of plants listed in this exhibit.
Thanks Duke University and the Internet Archive for access to the digital version of Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests.
About the Online Exhibit
This web exhibit was prepared by Susan Hoffius, Curator, Waring Historical Library. The exhibit was designed by Thomas L. Hamm II, Education and Student Life, and Sherman Paggi, MUSC Library.
Photographs and Reproductions.
The Waring Historical Library holds the copyrights for some (but not all) of the illustrations and textual images. If you are interested in reproducing items, please contact the University Archivist. As with all copyrighted material, " fair use" guidelines of the applicable copyright laws may apply to educational or other non-commercial uses.
Citation and Attribution.
Please cite this electronic exhibition as a whole as “Porcher Medicinal Garden: Cultivating Our History" an online exhibition of the Waring Historical Library, Medical University of South Carolina Library. Charleston, SC: Waring Historical Library, 2012. URL:
Contact Robin Smith at or Brook Fox at