Storm Aftermath

In Their Own Words

William H. Golod, Ph.D., College of Pharmacy

...the mud on the first floor was a good halfway up between my ankle and my knee.

Sherry Gillespie Miller, R.N., Children’s Hospital

…services came back as quickly as they could…

M. David McDaniel, Children’s Hospital Pharmacy

We did not lose a single patient during the course of the storm...

Victor E. Del Bene, M.D., Medical Center

...we were running out of sheets, and pillow cases, and all those things...

Gail Stuart, Ph.D., R.N., Institute of Psychiatry

...we had regular, hourly Toilet Patrols.

H. Biemann Othersen, Jr., M.D., Children’s Hospital

Our offices were in shambles from all the water that had been all blown in...

Peter B. Rock, Carpentry / Maintenance

...we’re sitting there working, with the National Guardsmen and the M16 walking around...

Hal S. Currey, Institute of Psychiatry that was a miserable time after Hugo.

Fred A. Crawford, MD, Department of Surgery

[There was] mold all over the hospital.

Tony von Kolnitz, Engineering and Facilities

...the relief valve blew off on the 11th floor, water started coming down to the 10th floor to the 9th floor...