Storm Landfall

In Their Own Words

Dr. William H. Golod, Ph.D., College of Pharmacy

...the water was up at least four feet halfway up the wall...

Sherry Gillespie Miller, R.N., Children’s Hospital

...we had to evacuate those kids out of the PICU…

M. David McDaniel, Children’s Hospital Pharmacy was dark and it was all wind and noise-nonstop.

Victor E. Del Bene, M.D., Medical Center

...the windows were starting to buckle and open in the Children's Hospital intensive care units...

Gail Stuart, Ph.D., R.N., Institute of Psychiatry

...And it was so still, kind of that movie-scary-something-bad-is-on-its-way stillness...

H. Biemann Othersen, Jr., M.D., Children’s Hospital

The wind was so strong; one person couldn't open a door.

Peter B. Rock, Carpentry Shop

...we were picking up water, trying to fix windows...

Hal S. Currey, Institute of Psychiatry

...his office looked like an A bomb went off in it.

Fred A. Crawford, M.D., Department of Surgery

The hospital was sort of quivering. Windows were blowing out.

Tony von Kolnitz, Engineering and Facilities

...went under the hospital in chest deep water, not knowing for sure whether another hit of water was going to come get them...